RC Cochabamba, Bolivia

Rotary Club of Chicago is pleased to be a Sister Club with Rotary Club Cochabamba in Bolivia.

The purpose of a Sister Club (also known as a Twin Club) is to foster a mutual relationship, solely for reasons of friendship, between ROTARY/One and a Rotary club anywhere in the world.

Our club has been an International Partner with clubs in Bolivia in seven global grants and is working on an eighth grant with the First Five Collaborative on an extensive project in creating awareness, prevention, detection, and in some cases treatment for HPV+ and cervical cancer.

RC Cochabamba was our Host Partner in two global grants and provided key assistance in supervising another two grants. Our partner was an Evanston-based organization, Solidarity Bridge – solidarity bridge.org.

In Marga Hewko’s visit to Bolivia in February 2024, she had the opportunity to visit the Rehab Center Maria Josefa Recio for disabled children to which our club donated didactic materials, furniture, and office equipment.

This rehab center also needed a new building. Rotarians organized a telethon that involved the whole city of Cochabamba. They were able to raise the necessary funds for the construction.

Through another global grant, we donated a laparoscopic tower to the Viedma Hospital, a public teaching hospital. Thousands of surgeries have been performed with this tower.

The President of RC Cochabamba presented a plaque to our Club in gratitude for the support our club provided together with The Rotary Foundation for the joint projects between our clubs.

Plaque translation:

The Board of Directors and members of the Rotary Club Cochabamba are grateful for the constant support and collaboration in the projects carried out with the support of The Rotary Foundation that benefit those who are in need.

We deeply appreciate your commitment to our cause and are sincerely grateful for your continuous support. We look forward to continuing with your collaboration in the future while we work together to build a better world for all.

Thank you Rotary Club Chicago for being an invaluable partner in our mission to serve the community.